Purchasing a Unique & Special Watch for Him or Her from JORD Watches This Spring

I haven’t owned a watch in years, but when I recently discovered JORD Watches, I really wanted one of their watches because they are so unique and crafted beautifully. They come in a wide array of designs and colors including wide and narrow watch bands, natural woods and colored woods.
I kept seeing these wooden watches show up in my feed on social media, so I knew they were popular and trendy. I wanted to join in on that and sport my new Frankie – Purpleheart & Plum watch on the beach and all around this little paradise of a town that I live in. I’ve never been afraid of bold colors in accessories. In fact, I think it makes my style more exciting and interesting.
I seriously can’t brag enough about the quality of this watch. It is crafted so beautifully, even the packaging speaks volumes about the care for this watch from the company. It arrived in a box much larger than I expected and when I opened it, I discovered a beautiful, wooden box snugly tucked inside. This box is a piece you can keep on your dresser top to store your new watch and other small trinkets. It comes with a magnetized lid and a tiny drawer underneath that is magnetized as well for secure closure. It also came with a polish to help keep your watch looking beautiful and new, along with a cleansing cloth.
This timepiece is a wonderful investment. I am so happy to be able to work with this company to give you the chance to have your very own wooden Jord watch. If you are interested in seeing all styles available, I have some links for you to shop:
- Ladies Watches
- Mens Watches – gotta take care of you guys, as well!
- Watch Engraving – yes! they do this, too!
Follow this link to enter a giveaway for a $100 gift code to go towards the watch of your choice.
Enter My Jord Giveaway!
Those who don’t win will receive a code for 10% off your purchase, so in essence, everyone is a winner!!
Please forgive my farmer’s tan…that watch, though!