Favorite Coastal Finds December 2016: Pt. 2

‘Tis the end of the year and before you know it, we will be ringing in 2017. Part of my resolutions for 2017 is to keep life simple, so that is what I am going to do for this post. It won’t be over the top in any way. The prices of items will definitely be affordable and the products will be back to a coastal theme.
I also want to focus on products from my three favorite (sister) stores: Marshall’s, T.J. Maxx and Home Goods. These stores are growing in popularity for their affordable products that are comparable to high-end stores. They also do carry name brand items as well, but at much lower rates. You can find me at any of the three weekly. I’m not kidding.
To start, I wanted to share these beautiful faux linen curtains from T.J. Maxx.
These are beautiful and perfect to warm up any space in your home. They provide a beachy feel as the color reminds me of sand. It also reminds me of burlap as well and that is popular in home decor for a coastal theme. They are only $29.99 for a set of 2 curtains.
You should also add this lantern to your end table for some beachy home decor. It is $24.99. I love the distressed wood and galvanized strips of metal around it. If you know me, I add a touch of farmhouse to my decor and this provides that element.
And while we are on the beige trail, lets add this knobby throw pillow on the sofa. For only $19.99, it’s a steal and will provide texture to the room.
Now let’s add a pop of color alongside this beige pillow, while also adding a little more texture. I think velvet is making a big appearance in the design realm this year. I love this mango colored one from T.J. Maxx. The reverse side is linen and it only costs $19.99 as well.
One final addition for our coffee table or end table is this water hyacinth pineapple decorative piece. I have been eyeing this in stores and am wondering why in the heck I haven’t bought it yet. It is only $14.99.