2016 Holiday Home Tour
This year I decided to change up the theme in my family room and change things up elsewhere. While it isn’t complete, you will know the direction I am headed for the next year or two.
I wanted to get back to the coastal theme being predominant in my decor, while keeping the touch of farmhouse/rustic vibe all the while keeping it fairly neutral.
This is the family room. This is the main Christmas room where Santa stops in (of course!). I am still unsure about the red plaid stockings and might replace them with more like the knit one my son chose this year.
This gallery wall is of our Christmas cards framed in rustic wood frame from Hobby Lobby.
This shot is yellow because it is below the tree, so it gets a lot of coloration from it.
The wooden letters stand for Oscar and Lily, our two Boston Terriers. The stockings, basket and skis are from Target, the tree bell is from Home Goods and the wood is from Marshalls.
I love a candle with an awesome container. The silver one is from 2 Christmases ago and this year, I chose the one with the tree on the front. The scent is amazing and I plan to reuse the containers once they are gone.
This photo I took in the evening once the sun started to set, so it’s really yellow, too. I’m going to take another during the day tomorrow so all of the photos match. I’m anal-retentive like that. lol
And if you’re wondering what was playing on the stereo, it was Frank Sinatra Christmas music.
I didn’t put up my third tree (in my bedroom) this year and I was feeling the need for more trees after a bit. Last week I dug this one out of the shed, removed the colored lights and flocked it. This seemed like the perfect spot for it.
Dining area looking into the living room. I try to keep a white, snow look here. The tree has colors that represent that for me and add a little pop of color instead of everything being all white.
The table is still a work in progress.
I hope you enjoyed it this year! There are a couple of spots that have decor, but I didn’t bother photographing. Maybe next year!